Members & resources

FinDatEx was established in April 2019 by:

- European Banking Federation (EBF)

- European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)

- Insurance Europe (Insurance Europe)

- European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG)

- European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB)

- European Structured Investment Products Association (EUSIPA)

In October 2019, the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) joined. In April 2021, it was followed by Pensions Europe (link).

These associations form FinDatEx’s Steering Group, its decision-making body. Among other issues related to the running of the platform, it decides on the work programme (including new templates and revisions) and endorses the final templates for publication. The associations are represented by technical experts in the various technical working groups. Depending on the subject, their expertise is complemented by other stakeholders.

FinDatEx does not have any staff. All its work is carried out by industry experts (working pro bono) with secretarial services provided by the participating associations.

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